7 Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating On You

  1. They start to show less interest in sex and intimacy
  2. New activities, interests or hobbies that keep them  away from home
  3. Sudden or last minute changes in their work schedule or routine (earlier, later, more trips to health club)
  4. Recent interest in erectile dysfunction drugs or birth control
  5. They are spending more time online or phone texting
  6. You feel like they are just going through the motions during sex
  7. They are suddenly concerned about appearance, start working out, bring home new clothes

signs spouse is cheatingThese are just some of the signs your spouse is cheating on you.  Infidelity isn’t always easy to spot, but you suspect something is wrong.

Cheating spouses leave a trail of evidence of their movements, online usage and phone activity.  Furthermore, we provide digital forensic services and can uncover secret online profiles and retrieve deleted messages, texts.

My investigators are specially trained to provide discreet surveillance to track your spouse’s activities, document who they are with, and where they go. They use state of the art equipment including low-light HD cameras, and GPS tracking devices.  In other words we  get you the answers you need.

Call me today for a free consultation.